Protein Snack Slice

Protein Snack Slice

This one is a great healthy high-protein treat! Nut free! This recipe is so simple to make and they taste so good too! I suggest you store them on hand in the freezer whenever you need a healthy treat snack!

What you need:
6 spoons of Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix
(you can mix different flavours together or use F1 Select Shake Mix with Cocao Powder)

1 cup of Natural Oat Bran (or Oats)
1/4 to 1/2 cup of Sunflower Seeds (optional)
1/4 to 1/2 cup of Pumpkin Seeds (optional)
1/4 zest of Lemon (add more or less for taste)
1/2 Lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
1/8 to 1/4 cup of Honey (depending on your taste)
1/4 cup of Shredded Coconut
1/4 water (more if needed )

What to do:
Mix all ingredients together. Add in a little more water, if needed to bind the ingredients. Press into slice tray. Feel free to also sprinkle with coconut, then put in the freezer.  Once set cut into small bite sizes. You can also roll it into balls and coconut – if you prefer it this way.

Keep in the freezer in an air-tight container ready for when we need a healthy snack treat. Yummy for kids and adults. My kids love them! Try different shake flavours and adjust quantities of ingredients to suit your own taste! The batch below was made with a mix of cookies & cream and chocolate shake mix and another combination of cookies & cream with berry shake mix. Both are yummy!

Enjoy a healthy high-protein snack today to help keep hunger under control between meals!

Protein Snack Slick Recipe - chocolate & berry trays
Protein Snack Slick – chocolate & berry trays




